How to run SQL Server (7.3) in Xampp

Allerlei tweaks voor een SQL Server

Moderator: Theet

Posts: 202
Joined: Mon 27 Sep 2010, 16:35

How to run SQL Server (7.3) in Xampp

Post by Theet »

If you are using Xampp en a SQL Server (Express) than you have to do the next steps, because Xampp is not supporting MSSQL by default.

Example PHP version = 7.3.0
1) Look at http://localhost/dashboard/phpinfo.php which version of PHP you are using, the driver should be the same version
2) Download from the same version of your PHP version 7.3.0
3) unzip the files and copy / past file php_pdo_sqlsrv_73_ts.dll and php_sqlsrv_73_ts.dll it into the folder C:\xampp\php\ext (from the x86 folder)
4) go to Xampp Control Panel and click on "Config" besides the Module Apache - open file php.ini
5) search for extension=
6) add:

Code: Select all

extension= php_pdo_sqlsrv_73_ts.dll
7) restart Apache
8) go again to http://localhost/dashboard/phpinfo.php and now you can see the pdo_sqlsrv version what is active.