Tweak het startmenu

Allerlei tweaks voor Windows XP

Moderator: Theet

Posts: 202
Joined: Mon 27 Sep 2010, 16:35

Tweak het startmenu

Post by Theet »


DWORD valuename:

ValueName Description
NoStartMenuEjectPC Remove the “Undock PC” button from the Start Menu
NoTrayItemsDisplay Hide the notification area(previously called the “system tray”) on the taskbar
NoToolbarsOnTaskbar Do not display any custom toolbars in the taskbar
NoTaskGrouping Prevent grouping of taskbar items
HideClock Remove Clock from the system notification area(previously called the “system tray”)
NoSimpleStartMenu Enabled by default (Start menu displays in the new style) Disabling will Force classic

Start Menu (Windows 2000 style and displays the standard desktop icons)
NoSMMyPictures Remove Pictures icon from Start Menu
NoStartMenuNetworkPlaces Remove Network icon from Start Menu
NoStartMenuMyMusic Remove Music icon from Start Menu
NoStartMenuPinnedList Remove pinned programs list from the Start Menu
NoStartMenuMorePrograms Remove “All Programs” list from the Start menu
NoStartMenuMFUprogramsList Remove frequent programs list from the Start Menu
NoSMBalloonTip Remove Balloon Tips on Start Menu items
NoAutoTrayNotify Turn off notification area(also called the “system tray”) cleanup
LockTaskbar Lock the Taskbar and prevents the user from moving or resizing it
NoUserNameInStartMenu Remove the user name label from the Start Menu. Does not work on Windows Vista
NoSMConfigurePrograms Remove Default Programs link from the Start menu